The Marine Corps’ biggest battle in Iraq to date, it was so prolonged and fierce that it has entered the pantheon of USMC battles alongside Iwo Jima, Inchon, and Hue City. Sadly, both SGM Boivin and the Marines' commanding officer, Capt Doug Zembiec, were both killed several years after this - Boivin in a freak train-on-parade-float accident in Texas and Zembiec in Sadr City, Baghdad, while serving as a CIA Special Activities officer, which saw him also receive the Silver Star as well as his second Purple Heart, posthumously. The Second Battle for Fallujah, dubbed Operation Phantom Fury, took place over an almost two-month period, from November 7 to December 23, 2004. military.With its forerunner, the Badge of Military Merit, which took the form of a heart made of purple cloth, the Purple Heart is the oldest military award still given to U.S. One Marine was killed and almost all of the rest were wounded over the course of the firefight, culminating in Hollenbaugh singlehandedly defending this rooftop and in the process expending hundreds of bullets, and dozens of grenades and rockets (the latter of which the Delta operators were training the Marines to operate). The Purple Heart (PH) is a United States military decoration awarded in the name of the President to those wounded or killed while serving, on or after 5 April 1917, with the U.S. Boivin received the Silver Star, and he and Briggs were also awarded the Purple Heart. (Marine's ID is unknown to me) Hollenbaugh and Briggs were both awarded the Distinguished Service Cross during this operation for helping save a platoon of Marines from an estimated 300 hardcore Islamist insurgents. David Vazquez, Tactical Airspace Integration System facility chief for 1st Battalion, 58th Aviation Regiment, is awarded the. "From left to right, Master Sgt Donnie Hollenbaugh, Sgt Maj Larry Boivin, and Staff Sgt Dan Briggs. This was a significant period in the history of Operation Iraqi Freedom, seeing two battles fought over the city of Fallujah, the eruption of the Sadr revolt in. He received the decoration in May 2006 during a ceremony at Camp. Fallujah, Iraq 2004ĭSCs for the operators on the left and right, Silver Star for the one in the middle. Bradley Allan Kasal (born May 1, 1966) is a United States Marine who received the Navy Cross for heroic actions performed as the first sergeant of Weapons Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines during a firefight in Operation Phantom Fury in Fallujah, Iraq on November 13, 2004. Although it has changed in title and use over the years, its roots can be traced back to the Badge of Military Merit ordered.

Delta Force Operators and US Marine pose for photo on rooftop after a firefight. The Purple Heart is also known as the nations oldest military award.